Label Off 50
Self adhesive labels remover
Kontakt PCC
Flux remover
ESD worktop cleaner wipes
In Box or economy refiller
The product protects the printed circuit boards against oxidation and corrosion during storage. This allows for faster soldering and prevents from „cold solders”.
The application method enables easy distribution of the product on boards.
It can be used during production, repair, maintenance and service.It meets the requirements of DIN 8511, F-SW-31, PN EN 29454 1.1.1.A.Flux type: rosinFlux type: RMA.Drying time: 20 - 30 min
APPLICATIONS- protection of PCB against oxidation,- applied in the production of printed circuit boards immediately after etching,- prevents from contamination during assembly. it allows for easier soldering of heavily oxidized surfaces.
Content: 100 ml